Monday, January 19, 2015

2 Year Blogoversary

As some of you may know this blog officially started on January 5th, 2012 but I barely wrote any posts and those that were written were absolutely terrible. I'm not even sure why I have some of those posts ._. Anyways for some reason (I'm not even sure why), I decided to celebrate my 1 year blogoversary on the 18th of January. BUT I think from next year on I'll just start celebrating it on the 5th because it's just plain logical. So sorry for any confusion. Let me know if you still have any questions on it in case I wasn't clear (because I will admit I'm usually not).

Anyways I know a lot of blogs do giveaways or plan huge events for their blogoversaries.
But I usually end up forgetting and end up doing a last minute post (like this) and I don't really plan anything. But I do want to express my love for the bookish community and everyone in it. Despite all the drama that's been going on, the blogosphere is pretty awesome no matter what. 

But oh god it's already been 2 years of serious blogging :O 
Time flies way too fast! I feel like I'm underaccompished compared to other blogs who are just as old if not younger..Eithey way I'm really happened with how Hopper is doing so far and am quite excited for this year and hopefully new types of post :D 

What to expect for the rest of the year? 
Discussion posts, more reviews(!!), and blog tours! 
There will be times when me or Caitlyn don't post for a few days and 
that's usually because of we're studying for tests or swamped with work. 

Anyways I LOVE YOU ALL for reading and supporting this blog! 

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